- axial moment of inertia轴向惯性矩;
- area of moments力矩面积;
- angle of slide滑动角;
- absorption of sound[电] 声的吸收;
- a sense of responsibility责任感
- a cup of tea一杯茶
- a new lease of life新生活, 精神焕发;
- bill of faren.菜单,菜谱;
- basic items of work工啄基本项目;
- bachelor of sciencen.理学士;
- Committee of Twenty(Paris Club)二十国委员会(巴黎俱乐部)
- committee of the wholen.全体委员会;
- center of gravityn.重心;
- captain of industryn.大企业的首脑;
- Declaration of independence[法]独立宣言;
- date of birthn.[法] 出生时间, 出生日期;
- expiry of employment雇用期满;
- end of line行结束;
- favorable balance of trade贸易出超,贸易顺差,出超;
- garden of Eden(<圣经>中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园,没有罪恶的圣洁之地;
- 双语例句
I'm not sure about [ of ] his ability to cope with this.
我对他应付此事的能力还 心中无数.
He bragged about [ of ] his merits.
他自 夸 他的优点.
They were sanguine about [ of ] victory.
他们对胜利表示乐观 [ 确信会胜利 ] (参看1c).
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